Beautiful pics of Ashley Benson feet & legs
Ashley was weighing 2 pounds and 8 ounces at the time her birth. for a full month she was hospitalized in the ICU. Her parents were told she would need heart surgery during Christmas Day. Christmas Day was the day the doctors verified to her parents what they had been praying for when she went into hospital and her parents received the news. Ashley didn't require any surgery. After two months in hospital her weight was just 4 1/2 pounds at the time of her release. Since her release, she's never had any illness! Her father is German-English. Her mother is from Ireland. In 2002, Ashley was first noticed in a commercial for her Salon Surprise Barbie Doll. Ashley was then pursued by The Ford Modeling Agency at the age of eight. Today Ashley works within the print business. She wanted to be an actress at the young age of just 10. Ashley went on to do 35 commercials, and then on to theatrical roles. Ashley had found her passion. Ashley's main focus was acting. There was not muc...